The CCNA is the usual starting point for all Cisco training. With it, you'll learn how to operate on the maintenance and installation of routers and network switches. Fundamentally, the internet is based upon huge numbers of routers, and large companies that have various regional departments utilise them to connect their computer networks.
Because routers join up networks, look for a course that includes basic networking skills (for example Network+, perhaps with A+) prior to starting your CCNA course. You'll need an understanding of the basics before you commence any Cisco training or you may encounter problems. At interview time, networking skills will be valuable to complement your CCNA.
Having the right skills and understanding in advance of getting going on the Cisco CCNA is very important. Therefore, it's probably necessary to speak to an advisor who will be able to help you.
Can job security honestly exist anymore? In the UK for example, where business constantly changes its mind on a day-to-day basis, it seems increasingly unlikely. We can however hit upon security at market-level, by searching for high demand areas, coupled with a lack of qualified workers.
Looking at the Information Technology (IT) sector, the 2006 e-Skills survey demonstrated a twenty six percent deficit in trained staff. Put simply, we can't properly place more than just 3 out of each 4 job positions in IT. Acquiring in-depth commercial IT certification is consequently a quick route to a long-term and gratifying livelihood. We can't imagine if a better time or market circumstances could exist for obtaining certification in this hugely expanding and evolving market.
We can't make a big enough deal out of this point: You absolutely must have proper 24x7 instructor support. You'll severely regret it if you let this one slide. Always avoid training courses that only support trainees through a call-centre messaging system after office-staff have gone home. Training companies will give you every excuse in the book why you don't need this. The simple fact of the matter is - you want support at the appropriate time - not at times when they find it cheaper to provide it.
Top training companies use multiple support centres from around the world. By utilising an interactive interface to seamlessly link them all together, at any time you choose, help is just a click away, without any contact issues or hassle. Don't compromise where support is concerned. Many would-be IT professionals that throw in the towel, are in that situation because of a lack of support.
Many people question why traditional degrees are being overtaken by more commercial certifications? With the costs of academic degree's increasing year on year, and the IT sector's growing opinion that accreditation-based training most often has much more commercial relevance, we have seen a great increase in Microsoft, CISCO, Adobe and CompTIA authorised training paths that supply key solutions to a student at a much reduced cost in terms of money and time. University courses, for instance, often get bogged down in vast amounts of background study - and much too wide a syllabus. This holds a student back from getting enough specific knowledge about the core essentials.
The bottom line is: Commercial IT certifications provide exactly what an employer needs - the title says it all: i.e. I am a 'Microsoft Certified Professional' in 'Managing and Maintaining Windows Server 2003'. So employers can look at their needs and which qualifications are required to perform the job.
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