Sunday 30 January 2011

Triclosan in Toothpaste Make Way More Germ

Surabaya, the content of triclosan in toothpaste is supposed to prevent bacterial growth. However, recent research reveals the possibility that the compound was even can cause the germs more resistant to antibiotics.

Besides the antibacterial toothpaste, triclosan is also often used in hand-washing soap and cosmetics. Even when first discovered 50 years ago, these compounds are also used to clean the skin surface during surgery.

But lately, the use of triclosan in fact make the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety in the EU and the FDA in the United States worried. Because the compound is thought to be triggered resistance or immunity of bacteria to antibiotics.

Laboratory studies indicate this compound may cause mutation of genes in several species of bacteria, including E coli, salmonella and listeria. It is feared mutation that would make the treatment of infections become ineffective.

Nevertheless, the dangers of triclosan is still limited to a warning because the votes are lacking sufficient evidence. The FDA suggested the existence of further studies to confirm these allegations.

Quoted from Dailymail, Wednesday (10/13/2010), the function of triclosan in toothpaste is to reduce plaque-causing bacteria. If not controlled, these bacteria can lead to gingivitis, or inflammation of the gums.

Its use is growing in popularity from year to year. Recent investigation of the U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) even showed 75 percent of Americans urine containing triclosan.


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